Grants and Scholarships
Grant Opportunities
Juneau Hope Endowment Fund/City & Borough of Juneau Social Service Grants
The annual process for the Juneau Hope Endowment Fund/City & Borough of Juneau Social Service Grant program begins with a required Letter of Interest in January, applications are available by mid-January and due in early March. Please review the following to learn more about the grant program and the application process.
CURRENTLY CLOSED – For more information: Juneau Hope Endowment Fund/CBJ Social Service Grant Process
Arts Vibrancy Endowment’s- Individual Artist Award
The Individual Artist Award application period typically opens in June with applications due in August. Awards are announced in September.
Douglas-Dornan Fund
The annual grant process opens on April 1, and applications must be postmarked by June 1.
CURRENTLY CLOSED– click here for information about this grant.
Friends of Gustavus Fund
Applications will be accepted starting in April 2025.
CURRENTLY OPEN – click here for information about this grant.
2025 FOG Application (MS Word) (PDF)
Margaret Frans Brady Fund
Depending on available funds, the MFB Fund will review possible funding for projects in the fall. Send a query letter to fund advisor Jeff Brady in August-September or email the fund advisor to check on availability and request an application at – click here for information about this grant.
Book Hook Fund – From Southeast Alaska to Nome, The Book Hook Fund has been supporting libraries across Alaska since its inception in 2021. Since then, this grant program has provided $36,400 in funds to over thirty rural Alaskan libraries! Grants range from $500-$1,000 and can be used to purchase reading materials for the public – books, periodicals, or software. The grant is not for hardware – cabinets, computers, copiers, or building maintenance, utilities, or salaries.
2024 applications are due by Halloween.
Don’t see anything here that helps your organization?
The Juneau Community Foundation has a very minimal amount of discretionary funds available for grants at any given time. Our areas of focus are Youth & Education, Parks, Trails and Recreation, Health & Social Services, and Arts & Culture. If your organization has a project or program in one of these areas in need of funding, please let us know. We can also discuss your project or program with donor advisors who have expressed an interest in the area you seek funding to see if they are interested in supporting it.
Please send details to Amy Skilbred at We will get back to you.
Scholarship Opportunities
Margaret Frans Brady Scholarship for Arts
Annual grant process with applications due in mid-April.
CURRENTLY OPEN – click here for information about this scholarship.
2025 Margaret Frans Brady Scholarship for the Arts Application – (PDF) (Word)
Simon and Anna Kirk Memorial Scholarship
Annual grant process with applications due in mid-April.
CURRENTLY OPEN – click here for information about this scholarship.
2025 Simon & Anna Kirk Memorial Scholarship Application – (PDF) (Word)
2025 Simon & Anna Kirk Memorial Scholarship Letter of Recommendation Form – (PDF) (Word)
Alma Harris Scholarship
Annual grant process with applications due in mid-April.
CURRENTLY OPEN – click here for information about this scholarship.
2025 Alma Harris Scholarship Application – (PDF) (Word)
Bob and Darlene (Phelps) Stutte Family Scholarship
Annual grant process with applications due in mid-April.
CURRENTLY OPEN – click here for information about this scholarship.
2025 Bob and Darlene (Phelps) Stutte Family Scholarship Application – (PDF) (Word)
Hather Family Scholarship
Annual grant process with applications due on May 1st.
CURRENTLY OPEN – click here for information about this scholarship.
2025 Hather Family Scholarship Application (PDF) (Word)
Rocinante Scholarship
Annual grant process with applications due October 1st and awarded by December 1st each year.
CURRENTLY CLOSED– Click here for information about this scholarship fund.
Frances Speno Ziel Memorial Scholarship
Annual grant process with applications to be determined. Click here for information about this scholarship fund.
Friends of the Juneau Pioneer Home Scholarship
A scholarship program for employees of the Juneau Pioneer Home.
Grants, Scholarships, Awards, and Prizes funded through the Juneau Community Foundation
Zach Gordon Youth Scholarship Program
The Foundation’s Youth Equity Fund provides an annual grant to Zach Gordon Youth Center to support their Youth Scholarship Program. This program provides financial assistance to youth that may not otherwise be able to participate in youth activities. Scholarships may be used for registration or program fees for CBJ Parks & Recreation and other programs, but certain guidelines apply for all activities. Applications are accepted year-round.
Marie Darlin Prize and Juneau History Grant
Our Friends of the Juneau-Douglas City Museum Fund supports the Marie Darlin Prize and the Juneau History Grant. The Marie Darlin Prize is an annual prize that recognizes outstanding works of artistic, literary, performative, or scholarly merit that concern the cultures and people of Southeast Alaska, the Yukon, or northern British Columbia. Nominations are due annually by May 1. The Juneau History Grant supports and encourages research, learning, dissemination, recording, and archiving of all types of information pertaining to the human history of Juneau and Douglas, and it is open to organizations, groups, or individuals of all ages. Deadlines are May 1 and October 1.
Juneau Arts & Humanities Council’s Individual Artist Award
The Juneau Arts & Humanities Council’s Individual Artist Award receives funding from the Foundation’s Cameron Vance Memorial Scholarship Fund which provides an annual distribution enabling them to award a scholarship to one emerging visual artist of exceptional talent to produce original works of art, advance their careers, and/or provide inspiration to the local community. Applications are typically due in early Spring.
Juneau Arts & Humanities Council Student Scholarships
Through the Arts & Humanities Student Scholarship Fund, annual grants go to the Juneau Arts & Humanities Council to provide funding for student scholarships in music, visual arts, dance, and writing. The grant application period typically opens in the Spring and more details can be found at
Grant Opportunities from Other Organizations
Alaska Community Foundation – Strengthening Organizations Program
Eligible nonprofit organizations apply for grants to build the capacity of their organizations. Eligibility is limited to 501(c)(3) nonprofit, or equivalent, organizations located in Alaska. Grant awards support professional staff and board of directors in their efforts to access tools, develop practical skills, and cultivate support systems needed to effectively achieve the organization’s mission in the following areas: leadership development, organizational development, program development, collaboration and community engagement, and evaluation of effectiveness.
To find out more, visit
Rasmuson Foundation
With a mission to provide a better life for Alaskans, the Rasmuson Foundation offers a number of grant programs for Alaska-based nonprofits, individual artists, and nonprofit leaders. For details, visit
Juneau Arts & Humanities Council
The Council invests in the community through financial support and assistance to students, individual artists, and arts organizations. For details, visit