Ways to Give

Getting Started in Giving

Partnering with the Foundation

In today’s world, there are numerous charitable options from which donors can choose. The real value of working with the Community Foundation is that we are uniquely positioned to provide valuable knowledge and guidance on local community needs and areas of interest to you. Our experience includes and extends beyond the mechanics of charitable giving to serving as your trusted philanthropic partner to maximize your charitable impact.

Tell us what you would like to do in the community and we will help you figure out the best way to accomplish your goal. What are you interested in, passionate about, want to see improved, or supported in the future? Do you want to do something now or through your will?  Give us a call.

Philanthropic Advising

  • Personalized consultation
  • Nonprofit research
  • Partnership with your advisors
  • Online fund management

Planned Giving

  • Bequests
  • Trusts & Annuities
  • Oversight of donor intent
  • Successor advisors

Financial Management

  • Fund administration
  • Simple & complex asset contributions
  • Investment oversight
  • Transparency

Grant Management

  • Timely grant distributions
  • Careful vetting of nonprofits
  • Opportunities to partner
  • Connecting you with organizations that work to make our community a better place
  • Addressing immediate and future needs through projects that bring about real change​
  • Ensuring a vehicle for long term charitable giving
  • Finding financially sound solutions that garner the greatest impact from each dollar that you invest
  • Offering a variety of community funds for you to choose from. To find out more about the different types of funds at the Foundation click here.
  • We have deep roots in Juneau and Southeast Alaska and extensive experience with the nonprofit businesses that provide services throughout our community. That means we can assist you with making grants that have the greatest impact.
  • We like to get to know you personally. That starts when we meet with you to learn about your charitable giving goals and then help you develop a personalized approach to your philanthropy.
  • We offer several types of funds that meet your giving goals, including whether you want to give today or in the future through a planned gift.
  • You join a philanthropic team of civic minded citizens whose generosity has resulted in more than $12 million dollars being invested in the community since 2000.
  • You can create and name your own charitable fund to support causes you are passionate about.
  • You can enjoy the tax advantages and flexibility of grant making to eligible nonprofits, without a required annual payout, public visibility, legal restrictions, reporting and expenses that come with private foundations.

The Community Foundation offers a wide range of giving options that you can use to establish or add to a named charitable fund. Since we are recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a public charity, donors are provided with maximum tax benefits allowed by law. Once your fund is established you can add to it any time, and in any dollar amount. We are happy to talk with you, and your financial advisor if you choose, about these opportunities in person.

Cash Gifts

A gift of cash, check or money order is the simplest way to donate or add to an existing fund. You can also make a secure contribution using your credit card.

Non-Cash Gifts

The Community Foundation has the experience and technical expertise to accept any appropriate asset as a charitable contribution. In addition to cash, you may also be able to make non-cash gifts including the following:


Appreciated securities are a very effective charitable gift. Your client can avoid capital gains tax and generally can deduct the fair market value of the stock up to 30% of their adjusted gross income, with a five-year carry over. In the right circumstances, the Foundation can also accept restricted securities and closely-held or founders stock.

Gifts of real estate

The Community Foundation can generally accept gifts of real estate, commercial property or undeveloped land upon review. Your client can structure their contribution of real estate asset differently depending on whether they want to make an outright gift or retain a lifetime right to use it.

Life insurance policy

A life insurance policy is an excellent tool for charitable giving, enabling your client to make a much larger gift than originally thought. Because assignment of benefits to The Community Foundation is irrevocable, your client will want to make sure that the policy has outlived the purpose for which it was originally purchased.

Privately held stock

The Foundation can accept gifts of closely held stock, and we can work with you to insure that such a gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent possible while also fulfilling your charitable intent.


Planned Gifts

Many donors choose to leave charitable assets upon their death. You can gift a portion of your estate through your will or trust, or designate the Community Foundation as beneficiary of one of the following:

  • IRAs and other retirement plans
  • Life insurance
  • Proceeds from the sale of a house

IRA Gifts

Giving to nonprofits through your IRA has never been easier. If you are 72 or older you can give directly from your traditional IRA to the Community Foundation. Up to $108,000 of your Required Minimum Distribution can be a Qualified Charitable Distribution. You can designate the Juneau Community Foundation as a beneficiary for all or a portion of your IRA.

Private Foundation

The board of a private foundation may transfer its assets to the Community Foundation to establish a donor advised or other Fund. The Fund can perpetuate the intent of the private foundation, its name, and philanthropic goals with no tax or penalty on the transfer.

Life Income Plans

Certain planned gifts provide a simple way for you to support your favorite causes or charities, while generating income for life for you or other family members. The Community Foundation can work with your and your advisor on any of the following:

Charitable Remainder Trust

When you establish a charitable remainder trust, you irrevocably transfer the ownership of assets to create the trust. You receive income for a stated period. After your lifetime the remainder of the Estate is transferred to an eligible beneficiary such as the Foundation to meet your charitable goals.

Charitable Lead Trust

Establishing a charitable lead trust provides income for an eligible charity while you are alive. After your lifetime the Trust can benefit whomever you decide – family, friends, or a charity.

Have a question? Ready to give? Give us a call: 907-523-5450.

To Donate

Donate by credit card using the link below or make your checks payable to: Juneau Community Foundation, 350 North Franklin Street, Suite 4, Juneau, Alaska 99801. Please call us at 907-523-5450, or email info@juneaucf.org for information on donating stock, wiring funds, establishing a Fund, gifting a portion of a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA, or naming the Juneau Community Foundation in your will as a designated beneficiary.
