Purpose: to establish an art education fund in recognition of the lifelong dedication to art education by both of the Mannings and to honor the memory of Marianne Manning.
Mission statement: the purpose of the Tom and Marianne Manning Art Education fund is to support and to promote art and art education through scholarships, grants, and awards from pre-school to post-grad.

Marianne in her art studio with her oldest grandson Finn preparing for her show at the Juneau-Douglas Museum
The Mannings: In 1975, Marianne agreed to accompany her young husband Tom on a one-year-only adventure to Alaska; a place he loved and wanted to share with her. And then, they never left. Four daughters, one son, eight grandchildren, friends and family from all walks of life and countless students from over 40 years in the classrooms have been graced by their decision to make Juneau their home and art their calling.
Excerpt from a 2011 Juneau Empire article about Marianne Manning by Amy Fletcher: “In the Manning household, art is everywhere. It covers the walls and weaves through family conversations. Marianne is a professional and passionate Manning, a former teacher at Harborview Elementary, Thunder Mountain and Juneau-Douglas high schools, (Shishmaref and Nuiqsut). “…the only way to get better at painting is to paint,” she said. “You can talk about it until you’re blue in the face but you’ve got to pick up that brush and put the paint on.” Marianne’s classrooms are a warm and welcoming place for all students. One of her greatest prides is to have inspired students to discover an interest in art and establish their own artistic expression that so often resulted in them enthusiastically continuing their studies; and indeed for some not dropping out of school.” (Marianne died unexpectedly in 2017 as she was preparing to teach in Kaktovik, Alaska.)

Tom receiving the 2010 Alaska State Council on the Arts Governor’s Award for art education from Governor Sean Parnell
Excerpt from the State of Alaska 2010 Recipient-Arts Education: Tom Manning, art educator, Juneau Douglas High School. “Tom Manning has taught art for 25 years in Juneau and has been a leader in the arts education community. Because of his passion for teaching and arts, students often are on waiting lists to get into his classes. In addition to teaching, Mr. Manning demonstrates to other teachers how to link the arts into their curriculum, displays student art in the community, and takes students to galleries and exhibits on the West Coast. One nominator said “Tom Manning is a ‘more’ person. He gives “more” to his students while expecting “more” of them.”
To Donate
Donate by credit card using the link below or make your checks payable to: Juneau Community Foundation, 350 North Franklin Street, Suite 4, Juneau, Alaska 99801. Please call us at 907-523-5450, or email info@juneaucf.org for information on donating stock, wiring funds, establishing a Fund, or naming the Juneau Community Foundation in your will as a designated beneficiary. This is a Donor Advised Fund and therefore is not able to accept Qualified Charitable Deductions from IRAs.