Thank You!
Thanks to you we reached our goal and the Juneau Bike Map will be available soon.
The Juneau Bike Map will be a high-quality printed map of bicycle routes, paths, and trails in the Juneau area. Featuring color-coded bike lanes, paved pathways and trails, as well as public amenities like parks and schools, the map will be a navigation and recreation tool for residents and visitors alike. The estimated cost for the map’s design and printing is $13,000.
Why does Juneau need a bike map?
A bike map will:
- Help riders of all ages and abilities navigate Juneau by bike
- Highlight connections between urban and recreational trail systems
- Show points of interest: parks, schools, and bike shops
- Encourage new riders and visitors to explore Juneau by bike
- Work towards Silver Bicycle Friendly Community status with the League of American Bicyclists (Juneau has been recognized at the Bronze level since 2011)
More information
The Juneau Bike Map is a project of Juneau Rides, a community organization dedicated to promoting bicycling in Juneau. Learn more about the project.