Friends of Gustavus Mission Statement
To maintain Gustavus as a vital, progressive, and healthy community by supporting philanthropic and charitable activities. The Fund encourages active enjoyment of the natural environment, artistic and cultural expression, and innovative education and wellness activities.
Gustavus residents are fiercely proud of their community and continually commit their time and resources to projects for the betterment of all. This is how the Friends of Gustavus Fund began; with a dream of providing the means for enhancing the quality of life within our town.
The Friends of Gustavus Fund is building a long-term charitable endowment for our community. As of May 2023, the fund balance was about $100,000. The aim is to build the fund to $500,000 and beyond to support the needs and ideas of Gustavus residents. As the endowment grows through investment income, bequests, and continued donations, it will offer an increasingly larger resource to foster creativity, community and quality of life over time. We encourage donations to the Friends of Gustavus Fund, a permanent endowment, which is professionally managed and protected by the Juneau Community Foundation. Your donations to the Friends of Gustavus Fund allow you to invest in the community’s future and quality of life, secure in the knowledge that your gift will be used to benefit Gustavus and the land and water that sustains us.
The Juneau Community Foundation accepts applications for Friends of Gustavus Fund grants and makes awards annually based on the availability of funds, the appropriateness to the objectives of the Fund and the quality of the programs/activities proposed in the application.
Applications are accepted beginning in March and typically range in amounts from $500 to $4,000 per award.
To Donate
Donate by credit card using the link below or make your checks payable to: Juneau Community Foundation, 350 North Franklin Street, Suite 4, Juneau, Alaska 99801. Please call us at 907-523-5450, or email for information on donating stock, wiring funds, establishing a Fund, or naming the Juneau Community Foundation in your will as a designated beneficiary. This is a Donor Advised Fund and therefore is not able to accept Qualified Charitable Donations from IRAs.