Finance and Investment

At the Juneau Community Foundation we keep our operating costs low and adhere to our investment philosophy to get the most out of your charitable gift to the community. Each gift to the foundation reflects your trust in our ability to invest and use resources wisely. Our Finance and Investment Committee brings together expertise in finance, investments, and business to manage the Foundation’s assets and guide our annual budget.


Our committee works with the investment advisory committee and Vanguard Institutional Advisory Services to guide our investing and determine the broad allocation of assets for investment purposes.

Our Investment Philosophy is dictated by the following criteria:

SIMPLE uncomplicated investment vehicles;

TRANSPARENT investment in funds designed to replicate the broad markets;

EXPLAINABLE investments that maintain diversity without being complicated;

PATIENT investing for long-term gains and accepting of market volatility.

When you establish a fund at the Juneau Community Foundation, we work with you to determine the best investment option (long or short-term).


Finances and Audit

We employ strict financial control across our financial and accounting operations to ensure that your donations are managed and protected. Elgee Rehfeld, LLC manages the bookkeeping, financial record keeping, and tax filings for the Community Foundation. Our Audit Committee oversees the annual audit and monitors accounting policies and practices.

2023 Financial Snapshot

Finance Committee
Julie Hamilton – Chair
Mike McKrill
Myra Munson
Sandro Lane

Investment Committee

James Parise – Chair
Bob Bartholomew
Zach Hanna
Bob Maynard
Geoff Larson
Robyn Mesdag
John Pugh
Julie Hamilton

Audit Committee
Sandro Lane
Geoff Larson
Reed Stoops – Chair