Since 2008, The Juneau Community Foundation has honored outstanding local individuals who demonstrate their commitment to the community through generosity and leadership with the Philanthropist Award. This year, we are pleased to announce Wayne and Rita Jensen as our 2023 Philanthropists of the Year and Super Bear IGA/Foodland IGA as our Philanthropic Business of the Year.
Amy Skilbred, Executive Director of the Juneau Community Foundation, honored Super Bear & Foodland IGA for their many years of providing vacation food boxes for students in need and the current assistance they provide the Foundation with continuing to provide food over school vacations to students. They were also honored for welcoming nonprofits and youth activities selling raffle tickets, Homerun cards, and cookies, and conducting other fundraisers critical to their success.
John Pugh, Foundation Board President, and several speakers noted Wayne and Rita Jensen for their many years of giving back to their hometown. Their generosity includes giving time, expertise, and funds to support many local projects and programs – including senior services, youth activities, the New Glory Hall, Teal Street Center, the Capitol complex improvements, Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, Sayéik Gastineau School, Treadwell historical buildings, and Juneau history. Together, they continue to touch many lives and enrich our community.
To further honor Wayne and Rita, a $50,000 challenge match was announced to support the Foundation’s Youth Equity Endowment, which provides funds to ensure lower-income youth can participate in Juneau camps and activities. Gifts in honor of Wayne and Rita will be matched dollar for dollar and can be made at or a check can be mailed to 350 N. Franklin Street, Suite 4, Juneau Alaska 99801.