Professional Advisors
Partnering to support your Client’s Philanthropy
Your clients rely on your guidance to make important financial decisions. When it comes to charitable giving, we can partner with you to simplify their giving and amplify their impact. When you work with the Juneau Community Foundation, you will have access to a host of charitable giving options for your clients, and a committed staff with extensive knowledge of the community. You can feel confident that your client’s charitable goals will be our top priority. They want to know how to give wisely and that their gifts will make a difference.
Developing a charitable plan that considers your client’s financial and charitable needs is no small task. We are here to be a resource for you as well as a philanthropic partner to help you meet your clients’ financial, personal, and business goals. Through the many possibilities of charitable giving, financial planners, attorneys, accountants, trust officers, and other professionals who have relationships with donors are our valued partners in philanthropy.
We can partner with you to ensure they make smart decisions tax-wise, understand their options for giving back to their community, and make an impact on local issues, services, and opportunities that matter to them.
“Charitable giving through the Juneau Community Foundation is an efficient and effective way for clients to help the charities and causes that matter to them. By using the Foundation to assist with your planned giving program, you ensure local management of funds for the benefit of organizations and people in ways that you can see and appreciate right away and that can continue long into the future. I encourage you to use and support the Juneau Community Foundation.”
— Beth Ann Chapman, Attorney at Law, Faulkner Banfield, PC
- Personalized service: We work with you to develop a giving approach that matches your clients’ interests and addresses their tax-planning needs.
- Community knowledge: We monitor community needs, including human services, education, healthcare, the arts, environmental and economic development. We convene people and organizations to address issues and explore opportunities.
- Investment expertise: The Foundation has an Investment Committee with experience in institutional investing and follows a clear and simple investment philosophy.
- Experience with non-cash gifts: In addition to gifts of cash and marketable securities, we can accept gifts of real estate, closely held businesses, and other non-cash assets.
- Accountability: We are responsible stewards of each gift. We preserve and execute donor intent in perpetuity to ensure that donor wishes are fulfilled.
- Flexibility: While we focus on the needs of Juneau, we can and do make grants to charities outside our community.
- Convenience: Fund advisors have 24/7 access to their Fund information. They can view the balance, transaction history, and make additional contributions via credit card.
- Anonymity: We can establish a fund, accept a gift, and/or make a grant in a way that will protect your client’s privacy.
In a nutshell, we can help make your job easier and your client’s giving more satisfying. We provide a personal approach to our donors, taking time to understand what they want to do, building a trusting relationship, and helping each person determine what is right for them.

Below is an overview for our professional advisor partners. If at any time you have a question, please contact Amy Skilbred at 907-523-5450 or
If I create a charitable fund at the Community Foundation, can I recommend grants?
Yes. The Community Foundation’s mandate is to honor client intent forever, we provide clients with a variety of ways that make it easy for them to fulfill their charitable wishes.
What type of assets does the Community Foundation accept?
Just as a client’s philanthropic goals are unique, so are their plans for how and what they want to give. In addition to cash, a client can contribute appreciated securities, closely held stock, retirement plan distributions, life insurance, real estate, and other items of value.
I have a private foundation. Why consider the Community Foundation as an option?
Clients often choose to work with the Community Foundation because of the flexibility we provide, our sound management of charitable assets, and our knowledge of the community. Private foundations have moved to the Community Foundation to take advantage of reduced administrative work, fewer expenses, greater flexibility, and support that continues through generations allowing them to focus on making grants. Additional information can be found here.
How will my charitable assets be invested?
Clients have two options regarding the investment of their charitable assets. Most funds are invested in the long term Evergreen account which invests in domestic and international equity funds and government bonds. Short term funds are invested in cash and cash equivalent funds.
What are the fees for foundations or funds with the Community Foundation?
Funds at the Community Foundation have a modest administrative fee which covers all gift and grant processing, legal compliance, and administrative expenses.
Must my fund be endowed? And am I limited to giving in Juneau?
No. While many clients choose endowments to ensure their charitable giving continues in their name forever, others choose long-term non-endowed funds to have more flexibility. Clients can make a grant to any qualified nonprofit based in the United States.
The Juneau Community Foundation does not provide financial advice and encourages individuals to work with their professional advisors to determine the financial benefits of any gifting.
Explore our many resources that can assist you and your clients to better understand charitable giving and how the Juneau Community Foundation can help:
Ways to Give – Learn about the wide range of gifting options that can be used
Planned Gifts – Learn more about a variety of planned giving tools to consider with your clients, including IRA, Beneficiary Designations, Bequests by Will, and Charitable Lead and Remainder Trusts.
Charitable Gifting from IRAs – Learn more about the benefits of giving from IRAs for some clients including required minimum distributions and designation of IRA assets.
Options for Private Foundations – Learn why families with private foundations have chosen to work with the Community Foundation.
Sample Bequest Language – Learn how to ensure giving patterns established during your lifetime can continue.
Starting the Conversation About Giving – Learn more about starting this conversation with your clients.

What is a Community Foundation?
Community foundations are not for profit public charities that guide philanthropy and improve the quality of life in a specific geographic area. They are governed by volunteer boards of informed citizens and run by professionals who are experts in addressing community needs. Typically, a community foundation serves and champions their community by:
- Partnering with individuals, families, and organizations to make giving easy and effective.
- Strengthening nonprofit organizations through grants and other supports.
- Providing leadership and insight to important community issues.
- Promoting a local or regional culture of philanthropy and service.
What should I know about the Juneau Community Foundation?
The Juneau Community Foundation works with local stakeholders to help establish priority needs in the community as well as promote cooperation and collaboration among funding organizations and service providers. We work with you to help your clients better understand their options for giving back to their community, and make an impact on local issues, services, and opportunities that matter to them.
What types of charitable vehicles does the Juneau Community Foundation offer?
- Field of Interest Funds focus on one or more areas of support. These funds pool donations from like-minded contributors to support community needs in board areas such as Arts & Culture, Health & Social Services, Youth & Education, and Parks, Trails, & Recreation.
- Donor Advised Funds provide individuals and businesses an opportunity to establish a fund, identify advisors, and recommend grants.
- Nonprofit Agency Funds are typically established by nonprofit organizations as stewardship or endowment funds which use disbursements to pay for operations.
- Donor Directed Funds enable donors to establish and endowment where a portion of the earnings supports a specific organization or program.
- Scholarship Funds are endowed funds established by donors to provide support for students based on criteria the donor chooses.
How do I set up a fund for my client?
Call us at 907-523-5450 and we will be happy to walk through the process of establishing a fund with the Foundation.
What is your tax identification number?
Juneau Community Foundation’s EIN is 52-2395867.
How do I name the Juneau Community Foundation in an estate plan?
If you have a client who wants to name the Juneau Community Foundation as a beneficiary of their will or trust, life insurance policy, or retirement plan account, the following may be helpful:
Beneficiary Designation- Transferring assets to your community after your lifetime
A beneficiary designation describes how your assets will be distributed upon your passing. It is ofter easier to make a charitable gift by completing a beneficiary designation form provided by your account administrator than it is to visit your attorney and update your will. Some of the more common assets that transfer through beneficiary designations are retirement checking accounts, mutual fund accounts, or life insurance policies.
Bequest by Will – a legacy of giving
Including a charitable bequest in your will is a simple way to make a lasting gift to your community. When you make this gift through the Community Foundation, we establish a special fund that benefits the community forever, and becomes your personal legacy of giving. You can decide to do it at any age by adding to an existing will or drafting a new one. In doing so you leave a legacy to your community, while enjoying the assets you need to maintain your current lifestyle. Plus, you can distribute some or all of your assets, tax free.
You can give cash, appreciated stocks, or other assets. Some of the most tax-efficient asset types to give through your will come from retirement plan accounts, since heirs would be taxed on the income in respect of the descendent (IRD). You can choose to give a stated dollar amount, a specific property, a percentage of your estate, the remainder after distributions to other beneficiaries, or you can make your gift contingent on certain events.